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Anyone that has been in the construction industry understands the tight profit margins and level of uncertainty in the industry.

A single unforeseen event or situation may arise in construction projects that throws an already thin margin project into a tail spin.

Construction projects consists of several complex procedures like planning, project management, cost and revenue estimation and budgeting etc.

Tranquil ERP software enables to manage the entire construction process from the beginning to end with proper structure and on time delivery of projects.

It keeps your team on the same page, relying on a core system that has the latest project reports, contracts, budgets, plans, specifications, invoices, purchase orders  and job costs.

Important Functionality for Contractors

  • Estimation of Cost
  • Project Management
  • Budgeting and Scheduling
  • Inventory Management
  • Equipment Management
  • HR and Payroll
  • Construction Finance and Accounting

1. Estimation of Cost

Project estimation for a construction company is really hectic to manage endless spreadsheets.

Tranquil helps to determine the accurate estimation required for materials, labor, procurement  and time of work etc.

Also allows you to find out how much revenue or how much loss and profit you get from each project.

This way, you will be able to manage the time and costs used for future projects more wisely.

2. Project Management

In the Construction Industry project planning and project management is essential and time taking process which includes strategic planning, operational planning, scheduling employees and more.

Monitoring each project progress across several work locations has always been challenging.

Tranquil ERP system easily manages complex projects confidently and schedule entire teams and equipment with just one click, live track your project’s progress and control your costs for better profits.

With Tranquil project management software vitals all information on your fingertips, keep your project on track and ensure it’s completed at the highest quality delivered on time and on budget.

3. Budgeting and Scheduling

Ensuring a satisfactory budget and schedule performance are two major challenges for pre-construction and construction phases of a project.

Tranquil Construction ERP budgets and scheduling offers to manage requirements such as labor, material, and equipment throughout the project.

4. Inventory Management

Construction project managing and materials and inventory is always a time-consuming and complex process which requires special knowledge and skills.

Tranquil ERP systems allow easy sourcing, purchasing, planning, storing and monitoring materials.

And it ensures secure control of stores and materials, timely disposal, records of inventory, etc.

5. Equipment Management

This module covers all processes and functions related to planning, procuring, moving, consuming, and maintaining every piece of machinery required/engaged in construction projects.

Tranquil Equipment Management module provide valuable information to your Project Management team, that will assist them in reducing equipment cost, improve maintenance scheduling, increase revenues and ensure the highest rate of usage possible for each piece of equipment.

6. HR and Payroll

Construction is inherently a vigorous and labor intensive job without a proper plan.

When you have employees working at multiple construction work sites and performing various tasks, managing time and attendance can become difficult.

Tranquil HR software solutions offer several different options for attendance and Payroll.

Employees may be able to clock in using Biometric device or Mobile device to submit their own time sheets for review.

7. Construction Finance and Accounting

It’s well known that construction accounting differs from regular accounting it include different areas of money management.

Construction project sphere is very mobile and accounting module must provide the capabilities to track different types of expenses.

Tranquil finance and accounting module enables you to tracks all of the financial details of a project such as Project budgets, Project estimates, Project Costing, Progressive Invoice, Procurement and everything in between.

Accounting solution supports multiple currencies as well as complex multi-location business structures so you can better manage your global operations.

Tranquil Financials helps you record, consolidate, and analyze your finances and provides complete visibility into enterprise-wide transactions.

Tranquil is a robust and efficient ERP system that can help you achieve your business goals through automation and streamlining of your business processes, and boosting employee productivity. It can help you save time, money, and effort, and positively impact your bottom line, increasing profitability. If you are still unsure of getting on the bandwagon, give us a call to schedule a demo – or shoot us an email. We’ll demonstrate how exactly the interface works, and our representatives will be happy to answer your queries.